Mistress Tenerife

Transvestite Master / Mistress has vacancies for compliant Slaves in Tenerife

You are not alone, there are many who share your interests. You may offer yourself as a slave for any session, either with others or alone, but please remember this is not a free service, your tribute applies. However with other slaves its twice the fun, firstly seeing another slave humiliated and dominated, and then its your turn. All slaves involve a tribute, even in joint sessions, no exceptions, don't even ask!

Slave Humiliation ~ You are my unquestioning Slave

I will put your collar on, and lead you around the salon. You will be totally naked and crawl on all fours, and I may punish you if you are a disobedient dog. You may be seen by others (Not Clients though unless you request it)  in the salon, the other ladies or gentlemen may also wish to punish you if you are a disobedient dog.

I can arrange for you to watch as I punish my male or female slaves. You will be totally restrained, but able to watch and see everything. Your secret of watching another slave enjoying the thrills of Patricia in full session and then to have your individual Session is possible. It may also be possible for you to join other miserable slaves in session. The Slave will also know you are there watching, however your identities will be hidden and protected.

You will not meet other slaves except in session.

You will be totally naked, your body is mine.

You will not speak unless, I speak to you.

Transvestite Master Tenerife

Are you a Tenerife Voyeur

You are able if you so wish watch and be watched in your session, in your total submission to me. Remember this is not a free service. Mistress will invite selected slaves to watch you in session. They will not be involved with you unless previously agreed, their only purpose is to watch a miserable slave being dominated and in his humiliation.

Transvestite Tenerife role play

You will be totally stripped naked, then gradually change and rebuild your physical identity from a miserable slave to a beautiful butterfly, where you can act out your wildest transvestite fantasies of wearing those silky clothes against your skin, and of being treated as a girl.

You are able to bring your own girls clothes, wigs and shoes for the session if you wish, but be aware, once you have taken off your normal "street clothes", you are totally within my power, to dress you and use you as I wish. Mistress can provide you with make up, and dress you in girls clothes, for that very private wish that thrills you.

Remember this is transvestite role-play, and normal Mistress rules apply, and again abuse of rules by you will be very painful for you.

You may as part of your innermost wishes be displayed to other slaves, (but never to other Clients) in the salon, you will be able to sit and talk to them and enjoy a drink while in full female dress.

Humiliation Tenerife

By sharing your innermost thoughts with me, you already realise you have that special need inside you that only I can satisfy. I will exploit that need to show you what a worthless soul you really are. Other Slaves if you so wish will watch you in your humiliation, and total submission to me.

Remember this is not a free service. Mistress will invite selected slaves to watch you in session. They will not be involved with you unless previously agreed, their only purpose is to watch a miserable slave in his humiliation. Their enjoyment is in offering a suitable tribute to watch.

Transvestite Mistress Master Tenerife


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